Black and White...

... and all those in between.

Are you someone who insists on the rules with no room for negotiation?

Someone who thrives in the law who can't close an eye to some bends,  example cheating on that parking coupon by 10minutes?

And anyone who falls short of expectation has to be given the gallows, say, a spouse who has strayed but has since repented after remorse and sought forgiveness?

Someone spoke with me abt the grey today,  of all that happens in between.  About decisions she didn't wanna make but made them anyway.  About persons she cannot forgive but forgave anyway,  and how believing in the color grey gave her the liberation that had long tormented her,  and how this change in mindset freed her from the sleepless nights she had to endure, and today a happier person simply because she embraced the grey,  that things and people and rules are not and will never be black or white,  that there are tons more hues in between.

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